The Alexander Technique

Wendy working with master Alexander Technique teacher Jane Comfort Brown. 

Wendy working with master Alexander Technique teacher Jane Comfort Brown. 

"And the beauty of it, you can do less, not more."  Angela Leidig

What is it? The Alexander Technique is an awareness practice concerned with exploring how we inhabit our bodies. We discover how our physical and mental habits and stories affect how we “use” our bodies and how we “posture” during our daily life. Through myo-fascial release and re-educating structural patterns we touch back into our innate birthright design. What emerges is natural poise, ease, presence, a sense of lightness. We become more comfortable in our body during our activities and even in our thinking. It’s a fascinating process of rediscovery.

Why try it? Some motivating reasons are to: relieve pain and tension; improve posture; relieve headaches and TMJ; feel more comfortable in your body; develop more awareness; improve performance whether it’s playing an instrument, singing, or playing sport; find more comfort while chopping vegetables, meditating, writing, doing yoga or working at your computer; relieve fatigue; manage anxiety or depression; relieve pain from conditions such as arthritis or repetitive strain injuries; injury recovery; or try something new because nothing else has helped your problem.

What is a session like? When you arrive for your “lesson” (you see, the idea is to learn something) first you tell me something about your story. Then, depending on where I’m drawn to by my observation or by what you tell me, I will start the hands-on work by placing my hands on your back, shoulder or neck area. Or, I may begin somewhere else, perhaps at your feet. I continue using my hands, my observation and my whole self to listen to what your system is tells me. I may ask for your feedback and you can give me verbal feedback or ask questions at any point. We begin to have a dialogue listening with our non-verbal kinesthetic awareness as muscles and fascia release, joints begin to move more freely or your heart and mind become more quiet. We might work while standing up, sitting down, in movement, or while you’re lying on the the table. We might take it into a simple activity such as reading, writing, or picking something up off the floor. As your system responds we discuss what you’re sensing or noticing.

My goal is to help free your body of excess tension so that you experience more integration and support. You become more in tune with the natural intelligence of your system. There is more being and less doing. I will provide you with tips and techniques on how to tap into more of that goodness during your daily life. If we work together over time I will suggest “homework”.

About the jargon. There are a bunch of principles within the Alexander Technique and I will slowly introduce them to you. Ideas like primary control, directions, the inhibitive moment, non-doing, end-gaining, pulling-down, debauched sensory appreciation. Yes, I just used the word debauched. Some of the language that F.M. Alexander used to describe the discoveries he made during the early 1900s is pretty awesome.

One final note. The Technique supports you to explore new ways to inhabit your body. This will require you to lessen your commitment to habitual patterns and ways of being. You start to say no to habitual ways of using yourself that may be creating pain and dysfunction. You discover new choices available in your body and mind that will help you feel better as you go about doing what you want to do in your life.  You say yes to new possibilities. Amazing things happen including one of the most well-loved benefits of all — you stand taller.

Making an appointment. Sliding scale $80-$65/hour. Though one or two sessions can be enough, having a series of lessons over a period of time generally results in more lasting benefits. My schedule is variable and flexible. Email, text or call to set up a lesson. | 617.877.1700

Last few details. Wear your regular, comfortable clothes. My studio is in my home in Lincoln; there is plenty of parking. We have three cats and I’m so sorry if this prevents you from coming. Lastly, please avoid wearing scented products including clothes washed in highly scented laundry detergents and softeners. I have a super sensitive nose and chemical scents often induce a headache.

Thank you. I look forward to working with you! Peace.


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